
The Who

Who are you? Who, who, who, who? Sure miss that band! We've got some darn cute little who coin purses, oops I mean owl bags. Nice to put jewelry in for a gift or travel or of course for money. We've got peace sign bags and scarves too for those children of the 60's or their kids or grandkids. Who knew they would make a comeback? Okay we thought the peace sign mood rings were cool too. Visualize whirled peas! (World Peace) Let's bring back some of those 60's sentiments like "shop small stores".

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Bee Happy

Working out in our garden I couldn't help noticing a cute little helper buzzing around. This cute little bee was pollinating the cucumber flowers and not stopping to complain even once.
Where did that bee get all that energy? Must that positive "Bee Happy" attitude.
How's your attitude today?
Go ahead, live dangerously and adopt that Bee Happy Attitude yourself. it could be quite contagious.
Need an attitude adjustment? Stop by and see what's new in the Bee Department. How about a lunch bag for back to school? Or take a whiff of our Cucumber Fragrance. Perfect summer scent to wear or nice in our Aloe Vera Lotion.
See you soon.

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Peace, Love and Rainbows

Just had to share this Verde Valley double rainbow. We are very blessed to live and work in this beautiful valley. Happy Summer to everyone!

It's wonderful to be appreciated.

I don't know if it's the economy or not but we sure have had a lot of nice comments in the shop lately.
When a customer says to you "Thank you for being here" it just always makes our day.
So thank you all our lovely patrons because we appreciate you too.
Oh and here's some very happy customers who were married on Friday and were in shopping on Saturday. Congrats to Karen and Dale.